Video for Adverts and Web Sites

Video content is now a vital addition to a web site. How many sites do you visit and there is some reference to view a video to explain or show the subject searched? As a corporate photographer and video producer this is what I have previously written an article about. That is the availability to produce video clips for a range of applications quite easily and within a given budget. Here we have some simple garden tools that a small company is trying to launch onto the market place. The request was a clip to place to a web site and launch to Vimeo so having a link to place to various applications. It is simple an ideally would have been good to have a voice over, it was unfortunate that the budget was restricted, but we managed to produce a sequence that is of good quality and usable to send the message he wanted. This was produced purely with the D800 DSLR camera we obtain last year with a standard mike to enhance the sound captured in the footage. We located an area to create the scene and wrote a basic story line to demonstrate the items. This production is a way of making clips for many small outlets, jewellery designers, craft makers and cottage industries alike.

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Opportune Moments Again

This section again I want to visit. Like the last talking about opportunity in photography to snatch that special moment and obtain that different shot. Like in my last post regarding the rainbow, I as many of you I’m no doubt have come across a moment where with a bit of forethought could make the most of an opportunity.  With this shot I was actually on a day off being a corporate photographer but had a fairly good camera over my shoulder when I noticed this fantastic flower on a plant and having nothing behind it than a blue sky really made it stand out in its full colour glory.

I adjusted the camera settings to RAW from Jpg that it was previously set on and changed the aperture to about 5.6 so all went fuzzy behind my desired focal point. Quick camera and photo lesson here folks. I decided to change to RAW because if I hold this as a stock photo I want a file format that I can work with at a later stage.  As I framed the shot up taking some time due to the flower being still and there being no need to rush this one and I was in a relaxed frame of mind excuse the ‘pun’. That special moment I have been banging on about happened that I was not going to be aware of is that a friendly bee decided to join in the shot as well. Buzzing about and finally came to a point where I just fired of five or six frames to snap it hovering over an opening to the colorful flower.

Flower, Colour, bee


If I had said to my self at the moment ‘would be really good if an insect arrived and became part of this shot’ that I would have been waiting for hours or it would of never happened. And the person I was with anyway wanted to go to the pub!


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Opportune Moments

One thing that no one discusses out of being in this industry as a commercial photographer is the amount of desired times in a career that the ‘wonderful’ happens. By this I mean the possibility for the opportune moment that you were not counting on happening and you are the one that manages to ‘grab’ the shot. This has happened to me on more that one occasion. Sometimes you can predict the situation because you have been called to attend and the moment is hopeing to obtain a good shot and sometimes you have no warning and your instinctive reactions take over.

This is what almost all press photographers now rely on to earn a living. That special moment when you release the shutter of the camera and you have a ‘winner’ for publication. How many front page shots recently have we seen? The Royal Wedding of Prince William to Catherine, even very recently the arrival of their new born baby. All waiting for that moment to have their name credited at the bottom of the page.

Unfortunately the waiting or just being in the right or even wrong place at the time gives you the opportune moment. This can happen to normal individuals in the street despite anyone who is in the profession as a corporate photographer. The times we see images of celebrities doing what they should or should not be doing. Images of tragedy that happen around the world. Many shots that we see on TV or papers are ones that have been taken at that split moment something happens many by amateurs.

Here in this photo that I’m not claiming to be anything greatly special is a perfect case of that moment where you can capture something that does not happen very often. Yes many people have captured a rainbow in the sky, walkers and anyone out and about. Have you ever said ‘oh if I only had a camera’. Well nowadays many do have a sort of image maker in the mobile phone but not a high resolution one to obtain the greater results.  

 Special momentThis image I took when I saw the rainbow, I just happened to have one of my cameras to had and I snapped it one afternoon when it had a sudden shower. It was in the sky for about two minuets! Not a great shot with rooftops of buildings and a telegraph pole but one where if it was displayed in an art gallery one could start a discussion on the beauty of the world against the harshness of industry and growth! Squint and it makes a good abstract really! I like it due to a rare situation that actually there are two rainbows appearing, come on that’s rare and counts as my ‘opportune moment’ for that day!

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Luck or Experienced Calculation

‘You have it so easy’ say you out there. Perhaps not! As a photographer for Events and Public Relations in London I am asked to shoot various people or objects in situations that sometimes have not a great deal of control, but I need to come home with the shot.

Over past years in these situations, that can be, not stressing but certainly let the adrenaline rush through your body, I have only had a few moments where I can honestly say ‘Is this going to go right for me?’ Or is this going to work out, will I loose out or become a winner with the wow factor and obtain that perfect frame. One time I remember was when I was working for American Airlines and needed to take a photo of Gary Lineker who at the time was in his prime of his football career with the England team on a training day. We needed a run of images for a PR article, I managed to fire off about three frames before he turned ran away from the gathered photographers to join his team mates on the training pitch. This was one situation that was going all ok but the tide turns very quickly sometimes and even in efforts to request his return ‘could you please come back not quite finished’ fell on deaf ears and as yet have not had the opportunity to meet him again in the flesh to thank him for that one.The images I got were fine for the article.

This one was great fun! It was a very early start. 5.20am to be precise. But apparently these balloonists like to float on the early morning thermals. I believe that actually it’s because they don’t know where they may land and when so need the rest of the day to make their way home, but hay that’s just my opinion. All the preparation of erecting these huge floating bubbles was nearing the end and shortly they will be off. Quite a dramatic experience really as they fire up the balloon and the basket drags alone the ground to lift up into the sky. Then complete calm as they float away in the distance. So my opportunity is close to achieve that shot. How well was this going for me.

All the balloons left within a good time frame and the soft breeze gently let them gain distance, there it was. The moment I was hoping for. Now feeling somewhat alone, with a slight adjustment to the angle by running to my left in the long bumpy grass of the field, I had the three balloons in the frame. The nearest one dominant in the picture displaying bold colours, the others just starting to become faint in the distance but adding to the overall composition of the shot.

Balloons, Public Relations, Event

This was the shot to end the set. Was it luck or was it a calculated situation on my part that this could happen for me, that the timings of that early morning produced this situation.

To be honest it was a bit of both really!

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