Alternative Images at the Bulgari Hotel, London

On Thursday 31 January I was asked to attend a corporate event shooting for a company that has launched a new product for internet security. The Bulgari Hotel has a private cinema viewing facility and the company held a private screening with a live webcast from New York to their clients. This then was followed by a question and answer session with the panel from heads of the company.

This session gave me another great chance to explore the capabilities of the Nikon D4 camera due to being asked not to use flash and shoot with available light. The room was dimly light with only soft spot floods so here I used virtually the full range of high ISO this camera can achieve. Most of the shots were taken at around the 10000 ISO setting and yet again produced great results.

Bulgari Hotel Cinema

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Alternative Gears up for Awards and Conference Season 2013

Alternative gears up for the awards and conference season. Company events teams are now putting into place their ideas and plans for individual events for 2013. Now is the time to bring together the sale and marketing teams for discussion on what is to happen within their sector and the way foreword now a new year has begun. At the same time recognition to each individual team player are awarded not only to thank but to encourage others to stride foreword to their goal success.

Awards Conference Dinner

Awards Evenings

I have again this year be asked to attend the Sunday Times 100 Best Company to Work for Awards in conjunction with Best Companies to cover the events that spans two evenings in succession in February at the Evolution in Battersea. This event will see over 200 companies with over 2000 people hoping to achieve that prestigious first place achievement on the evening.

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Video Promos for Web

Video production page just launched on Alternative Images web site. Here I have placed video clips that have been recently made for promotions for web use. I have recently been doing these using DSLR cameras that shoot full HD maintaining superb image quality. The footage is then edited and re coded for the web so clients can use within their own sites or place on social media platforms such as Facebook. The introduction of shooting on DSLR cameras is that I can at the same time shoot stills for an application and also run footage that can be edited at a later stage to accompany any article. Using this method is a cost effective way for clients. Being a simple but effective procedure fits most requirements and budgets bringing that extra wow factor.  Visit

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Happy New Year

A Happy New Year to all who visit my blog and spend time viewing my updates. I hope this New Year will bring prosperity amongst us all and new and exciting things will happen throughout the year ahead. We need to ignore the warnings from NASA about the possible solar flare event due in 2013 and look foreword to the multiple announcement of the new Blackberry 10 late January. Think positive!

Alternative have enjoyed during 2012 researching, investing and putting into practice state of the art equipment that will enhance all the services I offer to our corporate, event and commercial clients.

The video production services, short advertising and information clips for the web to enhance your company profile will be one area I want to promote more to clients. The idea to keep things simple but effective and stay within a budget. For more information do call the main number or email an enquiry. I would be happy to discuss any future project you may have.

So this leaves me nothing else to say apart from ‘Illegitimi non carborundum’ and have a good year.

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