Alternative Images Invest in Nikon D800

D800 Investment

Alternative Images have found a need for investing in the new camera that has the full frame FX CMOS sensor that offers shooting at 36 mega pixel producing a native image size of 62 x 41cm. The files when shooting RAW are superb and are in excess of 100 megabit each. With a large platform to obtain information at the initial shoot stage the detail in an image is captured. Even when the file is reduced in size that fineness and sharpness still remains within the image even when reduced to a fifth of it original size. The argument here is that does one need to work with such large files. The answer is probably no. But it is far easier to reduce image size within post production to suite its purpose than to struggle the other way! And if you need the quality, you have it.

Alternative Images

Image Taken with Nikon D800

The photographic projects this will be mainly used for are property interior and exteriors for publication that require fine detailed images, product shots, portraits and studio based assignments.

The camera is able to record full HD 1080p resolution video. Alternative are using this equipment to shoot talking head to camera interview/announcement video clips and short promotional footage that can be placed to a company website for information purposes. We are able to shoot, edit and have clips available to client’s onsite for upload with immediate effect. Please view our most recent examples here:

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That Time of Year Again

It’s that time of year again with Christmas just around the corner. Where did autumn go? Time to send out a greeting of goodwill and cheer. This year I decided to brave the somewhat chilly spell we have had and venture out and capture a scene ‘as we corporate photographers do’ that is a bit different from traditional Christmas cards. A scene with a little tongue in cheek humour. Well its Christmas isn’t it!

I’ve decided to send ecards this year, not to be lazy about it but we all want to ‘save the planet’ with paper usage and above all ‘the price of postage!’ So here it is. If I have missed anyone out in my mailing do have a good Christmas, and by the way there is a bottle of bubbly to be won in a prize draw, so email me to be entered. Merry Christmas. Click image to expand.

Christmas Wishes Image

London 2012

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Restaurant Opening Promotional Images

I have been recently commissioned to produce images for the opening of a new restaurant in Shepperton. The proprietors David and Judi who have an established outlet in Windsor have been working hard in opening their sister restaurant ‘Castello’. The building was previously a restaurant but fell into decline and has been empty for ten months, but now has a new lease of life. ‘Castello’ offers a warm welcome with an extensive Italian menu and wine list. Alternative was asked to photograph the restaurant that has had a complete overhaul to bring it to the standard that David and Judi excel.

Interior photography by Alternative Images

As a corporate photographer I wanted to capture images that reflect the interior colour scheme and lighting that give the areas a calm relaxed feel. Even when the restaurant is buzzing the feeling of space is present. The different seating arrangements can produce a moody, cosy feel or a bright open air ambience with a large daylight light conservatory. The seating arrangement can create space for larger groups or quiet romantic hideaways.

Promotional Interior Images

I photographed the interior using available light with a minimal flash so as to capture the soft wall lighting and all the warm colours of the furniture. Daylight creeping in through windows gave the images shape and contrast to the final look I wanted to achieve to portray the ambience of the venue.

Corporate Image InteriorsThe exterior image of Castello was achieved by using the HDR blending process that captures detail of exterior lighting over the signage.

HDR Exterior


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Audi Conference Display

It’s four o’clock on a Friday afternoon.The mobile rings. A request to handle a project that needs to be completed by Monday 9 am without fail. This can be the challenging and darn right rewarding life of the professional corporate photographer. The brief is to photograph an Audi A1 for a conference that is being held the following Tuesday. The situation seems pretty straight foreword. Go out and photograph a car to the brief, there you have it.

The agency has been instructed that the car needs to be shot as a rear view. Just the  boot area and this is going to be printed to full scale and displayed at the conference. The first thing to do here is start calling all local Audi dealerships to see who has a clean car and were they happy for me to photograph on site. After about one and a half hour calling around I had found some possibilities.

Early that Saturday morning I set out with cameras at the ready. What a lovely day! Though told it may have some bright spell by the weather channel the strong wind with horizontal rain patches was something to be desired. I travelled to the first location and managed to shoot a car out in the car park at a dealership.

All pretty pleased here called and reported the shoot was in the bag. But found the brief has now changed and that it’s been decide that the boot of the car needs to open to see the inside of the car. This was obviously not the initial brief. They can change like that!  I’ve now outstayed my welcome at this dealer and need to find a new one to accommodate me. Later that morning a result and found a dealer that was a fair distance drive but had a car in a showroom out of the not so good weather conditions. Perfect. I shot the car using daylight and the lights from the dealership with just a small fill in flash and due to only the one angle needed here it was off back to the studio.

Audi A1

Audi A1

It had been decided that the image needed was to represent a car at the show. My goal here was to have a finished piece of artwork ready for the printer to produce a life size display. The conference set people were going to use the boot shelf area to display a particular product at the conference. The first stage was to do a cut out around the car to separate the background. Not an easy job cutting around smooth curvy lines especially when it’s ending up a life size image. Any imperfections would show here. The car interior was black so lightening was needed to give it some detail in the upholstery. Then I needed to replace the glass areas with cloud due to being able to see the car showroom within the front screen through the car. How best to do that, go outside and shoot the sky so you have a reality image to drop in.

Cloudy Sky

Cloud Sky


Cloud Sky

Cloud Sky Mask


This then was a procedure of making various layers and also masking wanted areas to be able to compile the end result. All reflections had to be removed on the paintwork of the car and highlights painted in to give it the overall effect. The number plate was an actual shot to give its shape and colour and logo added later. Finally I had the all clear on the finished piece of artwork ready to be uploaded to the printers at 6pm Sunday evening. That was my weekend!

Audi A1 Conference Display

Audi A1 Conference Display

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