It does not matter if a company is large or small, video should be recognised as one of the best marketing strategies to promote a company. This type of video aims to introduce you and your business to your target audience, outlining what you do and how you help your customers. Your digital marketing strategy may include your website, SEO (search engine optimisation), social media, newsletters, blogging, and email marketing.
The world of video content has been on the increase. It has been proven that if an article on a website has a small video clip amongst it to describe or explain that article in more detail it holds its viewers attention for a longer period. A viewer cannot resist a click!
People assume that video is an expensive direction to head and have the need for large budgets. The answer to that is, yes, it can be. It all depends on what you want to achieve and what you want to put into it. I am asked “How much will a video cost to do ……” and in discussions, without being flippant, the answer is how long is a piece of string. This is where having the experience of talking to a client and extracting what they want to portray and where it is to be used often results in a project that is in line with the clients thinking.
An area of video production that is often missed out or not thought about by clients is the use of graphics and text to a project. Adding text to the beginning of a piece gives it a starting point and can often gage its content right from the start. This instantly gains interest. This can be simple or complex, all comes back to that question of budget but even simple well though out graphics can enhance a video article.
Here is a simple floating graphic of my company name. All it does is produce movement to the beginning of a video. It could be yours or your company logo but makes a viewer intrigued to its content.